Osmo Walden
Osmo loves ideas. He says, "In advertising, selling more products is not an Idea. An idea is to find and show the emotional link that unites the product and the viewer. Without that link advertising is just noise. With it, it becomes music.” This link is what he strives to find and show.
Osmo is a storyteller, and an excellent director of actors. He can find the soul of the the actor, be it amateur or not. He believes in the goodness of people and wants to show it in his films. Osmo has also built a restaurant chain, a hotel, and several startups, so when you need a strong storyteller that understands arts and business, he is perfect for the job.
Osmo is a father of four and an award-winning director, including Cannes lion, Clio, New York, Cresta, Effie, and his commercial was elected by the viewers the best commercial ever made in Finland.

Father And Son
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