Pete Veijalainen

Pete is an award-winning Finnish director specializing in commercials, music videos, opening sequences, and, in his own words, "random stuff." Pete is so much to work with.

His style is versatile, and Pete's films are infused with warm-hearted humor, offbeat characters, robots, CGI of all kinds, sci-fi elements, children, talking animals, Lamborghinis, explosions—essentially, everything under the sun. In addition to his eclectic range, Pete keeps abreast of the latest technology, such as AI, and possesses a keen ear for amazing music. Regardless of the digital tools, genre or theme, Pete's films consistently emanate a positive humane touch.

Pete Veijalainen

DIRECTED BY Pete Veijalainen

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Luolaihmiset: Jarmo

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Luolaihmiset: Sussu

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Luolaihmiset: Make

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Luolaihmiset: Pia

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